RadCube's Cloud-Based Scanning Solutions

Implementing a Cloud-Based Scanning Solution for State Agency's Eligibility Application

Cloud Based


The State Agency has undertaken a critical project to replace its existing Kofax solution with a custom cloud-based scanning solution, called the "Eligibility Application Scanning Solution." The objective of this project is to enhance document scanning, processing, storage, and retrieval functionalities for the Eligibility Application process. The current on-premises Kofax system and related servers/databases will be migrated to a cloud platform to improve system performance, maintainability, and modernization.


The main goal of this case study is to design and implement a cloud-based scanning solution for the State Agency's Eligibility Application process. The solution aims to streamline document scanning, automate processing, and secure document storage while adhering to state guidelines on business continuity and disaster recovery.


The project team encountered several challenges during the implementation of the scanning solution:

  1. Cloud Integration: Transitioning from an on-premises system to a cloud-based environment required meticulous planning and seamless integration to ensure uninterrupted functionality and data migration.
  2. Scalability and Performance: The solution needed to handle high-volume document scanning and processing efficiently to meet the demands of statewide eligibility applications.
  3. Data Security and Compliance: Safeguarding sensitive data and complying with state regulations for data retention and encryption were critical considerations.
  4. Legacy System Replacement: The team had to ensure a smooth replacement of the existing Kofax system without disrupting the eligibility application process for end-users.


To address these challenges, the project team designed a comprehensive cloud-based scanning solution with the following key components:

  1. Cloud Infrastructure: The solution was built on the robust Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform to ensure scalability, high availability, and adaptability to the state's requirements.
  2. Document Scanning: The team implemented Dynamsoft's Dynamic Web TWAIN SDK, a browser-based document scanning SDK, enabling users to scan documents from various browsers and platforms.
  3. Barcode Recognition: Dynamsoft's Barcode Reader SDK was integrated to automate barcode recognition for efficient document association and indexing.
  4. Batch Processing: A custom backend program was developed using Java and Spring Boot framework to process scanned documents, convert them to base64 format, and securely store them in the cloud repository.
  5. Document Splitting: A custom Java library was implemented to split and extract text and metadata from PDF files, facilitating document organization and management.
  6. Data Model: An entity-relationship (ER) diagram was designed to define the logical structure of the database, ensuring seamless data storage and retrieval.
  7. Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery: The solution incorporated off-system cloud backup of stored data and annual disaster recovery testing to comply with state guidelines on BCDR.


The successful implementation of the cloud-based scanning solution for the State Agency's Eligibility Application yielded remarkable results:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: The new solution streamlined document scanning and processing, reducing manual efforts, and improving accuracy.
  2. Improved Data Security: Robust data encryption, both in transit and at rest, safeguarded sensitive information, meeting the state's stringent security requirements.
  3. Smooth Integration: The new solution seamlessly replaced the legacy Kofax system without any noticeable impact on the eligibility application process for end-users.
  4. Scalable Cloud Platform: AWS provided the required scalability, ensuring responsiveness during peak eligibility application periods.
  5. Compliance: The solution adhered to state guidelines for data retention, disaster recovery testing, and encryption standards.


The successful implementation of the cloud-based scanning solution for the State Agency's Eligibility Application demonstrated the advantages of leveraging cloud technologies for document management and processing. The solution significantly improved document scanning efficiency, data security, and scalability while ensuring compliance with state regulations. The project team's meticulous planning and adoption of cutting-edge SDKs and frameworks played a pivotal role in the seamless replacement of the legacy Kofax system with the modern Eligibility Application Scanning Solution. The new solution provided a solid foundation for the State Agency to efficiently manage eligibility applications and enhance the delivery of essential services to citizens across the state.

KPI Description Value
Document Scanning Rate The number of documents scanned per hour/day/week. ≥ 500/hr.
Batch Processing Time Average time taken to process a batch of scanned documents. ≤ 10 sec
Barcode Recognition Rate Percentage of successful barcode recognition for document indexing. ≥ 99.5%
Document Split Accuracy Accuracy of document splitting and metadata extraction. ≥ 98%
Data Encryption Compliance Percentage of sensitive data encrypted in transit and at rest. 100%
System Uptime The percentage of time the scanning solution is operational. ≥ 99.95%
Application Response Time Average time taken for the application to respond to user actions. ≤ 1 sec
Error Rate The percentage of errors encountered during document processing. ≤ 0.1%
Cloud Storage Utilization The percentage of cloud storage utilized for scanned documents. ≤ 80%
Disaster Recovery Time Time taken to recover the system after a disaster event. ≤ 2 hrs.
User Satisfaction User feedback and satisfaction with the scanning solution. ≥ 4.5/5
Scalability Performance The system's ability to handle increased document processing load. ≥ 90%
Compliance with SLAs The extent to which service level agreements are met. 100.00%
Cost Efficiency Cost-effectiveness of the solution's implementation and operation. Within Budget
Data Retention Compliance Adherence to state guidelines for data retention. Yes
Security Incidents Number of security incidents and breaches encountered. 0



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